WhiteListing Entities

When you log into your server for the first time you should get a lot of Unauthorized resource & BlackListed Entity bans. But don't worry, thats absolutely normal. So how we fix this?

Find EntitiesSettings in the config_cl.lua file.

EntitiesSettings = {
    Props = {
        CheckScript = true,
        AllowedScripts = {
            ["es_extended"] = true,
            ["qb-core"] = true,
    Peds = {
        CheckScript = true,
        AllowedScripts = {
            ["es_extended"] = true,
            ["qb-core"] = true,

    Vehicles = {
        CheckScript = true,
        AllowedScripts = {
            ["es_extended"] = true,
            ["qb-core"] = true,

Like the template above, here you must allow your scripts that spawn props, peds, or vehicle by following the example: ["resourceName"] = true, . You can find these scripts either in the Discord Logs when you get banned, or because it seems logical (a vehicle garage for example) or by looking for the natives CreateVehicle, CreatePed, CreateObject

Last updated